Our planet performance

We aim to become climate-neutral and grow a nature-positive food future. Decarbonizing our own operations is critical, but we also want to contribute to reducing emissions and impacts on nature from farmers, other customers, and in other sectors. Precision farming technology, regenerative agriculture and enabling the hydrogen economy are key focus areas for Yara.

15.9 Mt CO2e

GHG Emissions scope 1+2

arrow up
3.1 t CO2e /t N

GHG Emissions intensity

33.7 GJ/t NH3

Energy efficiency

How we work

Climate change and nature loss are major global challenges and serious threats to food security in many parts of the world. The quest to decarbonize food has long been underway, but efforts are stepping up, driven by new regulation and consumer demand. Our contribution is twofold: reducing greenhouse gas emissions and nature impact from our own operations, and developing new, sustainable solutions for farmers, food companies, heavy industry and transportation.

As almost 90% of Yara’s energy consumption is related to the production of ammonia, the key component in our fertilizers, we focus on optimizing the energy efficiency and intensity of our ammonia units to reduce GHG emissions. We do this by setting specific energy and GHG reduction targets for each plant, benchmarking our performance, and carrying out energy efficiency diagnostics and audits that result in systematic improvement actions. We are also well positioned to lead the development of clean ammonia as a means to decarbonize crop production, and the shipping and power sectors.

Yara aims to support agriculture in its transformation to become climate-neutral and nature-positive. We do this by developing and facilitating sustainable farming practices that impact positively on crop and soil quality, increase nutrient and water use efficiency, and reduce GHG emissions from agricultural soils.

We recognize the urgent nature of the climate crisis, and we are positioning Yara to play an important role in driving change and value creation for the future. We will expand our knowledge sharing to create a measurable, positive global impact in order to help feed the world and contribute to a responsible food system while protecting nature, reducing emissions, and improving livelihoods. Our new ambition of ‘Growing a Nature-Positive Food Future’ entails a commitment to helping stall the new cultivation of natural land while protecting precious water, soil, health and biodiversity.

How we performed in 2022

Planet icon Planet performance

We are meeting global challenges head on with green solutions and ambitious climate targets.

Yara KPI Measure 2023 2025 Target

GHG emissions, intensity

t CO2e /t N



GHG emissions, scope 1+21)




Digitized hectares2)




MSCI rating




1) GHG absolute emissions scope 1+2 target is for 2030 with a 2019 baseline. Due to reconciliation and validation, the 2023 figure deviates slightly from data reported in the Q4 presentation. 
2)Cropland with digital farming user activity within defined frequency parameter

Our material topics

medium-ship.svg Opportunities in clean tech
Investing in implementing low-carbon and other environmental technologies in our operations and in our offerings.
Medium- climate change

Climate change
Mitigating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapting to climate change by increasing our resilience.

leaching Sustainable farm management and regenerative agriculture
Facilitating and supporting sustainable farming practices that impact positively on crop quality, GHG emissions, soil quality, and water use efficiency.
Renewable Energy Energy
Improving energy efficiency and defining the company position on sourcing of renewable energy.
medium-Emissions Air, Water, and Waste
We are working towards zero harm to the environment by protecting fresh air and clean water, by adopting the waste hierarchy, and by moving towards a circular economy.
Protection of ecosystems
Supporting biodiversity and health of ecosystems by understanding and addressing the impacts of our operations and products to plants, animal species, and
protected areas.

Read more in Yara's 2022 Sustainability Report